研究计划:通过定量分析日本著名建筑师Kazuo Shinohara的住宅建筑作品。
Kazuo Shinohara(1925-2006)无疑是二十世纪下半叶日本及世界上最具影响力的建筑师之一。随着时间的推移,随着我们超越对其作品的表面形式的欣赏,他的影响力不断增强。
我们将从阅读一系列关于日本建筑界及Kazuo Shinohara独特地位的未发表文章开始,以了解授课教师对这一建筑师的见解。
最后阶段是一个推测性设计练习,学生将提出改变指定案例研究的一个维度(包括所有形式、空间、结构和建筑的后果),以此来将Kazuo Shinohara的设计转化为新的作品。
Subject: Quantitative analysis of residential buildings by canonical Japanese architect Kazuo Shinohara.
Kazuo Shinohara (1925-2006) is arguably one of the most relevant architects of the second half of the XX Century in Japan and worldwide. This influence grows with time, as we understand his production beyond superficial formal appraisal.
This course aims to understand the dimensional logic embedded in his most seminal works—his single-family housing designs—so that students can appropriate these lessons and apply them to future projects.
We will start by understanding the instructor’s take on this author by reading a series of unpublished essays on the Japanese architecture scene and Shinohara’s particular position in it.
The second phase corresponds to a detailed analysis of one house per student, discovering its relevant dimensions and proportional systems by redrawing and rendering.
The last phase consists of a speculative design exercise in which the students propose changing just one dimension of the assigned case study (including all its formal, spatial, structural, and building consequences) to appropriate Shinohara’s design into something new.