Economic Growth Research Schedule
Subject: Examination of the main causes of economic growth and application of the most relevant growth models to actual country data.
Why are some countries rich while others are poor? Which factors are most relevant? What should we do if we wish to jump-start an economy into a higher standard of living? Can economies keep growing forever? Are there policies that can kill growth? Are there limits to growth? Does growth increase inequality?
If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions, you are not alone. Scholars and policymakers have tried to answer them for many years and, in doing so, they have created a body of knowledge. We will go over what scholars and policy makers currently know, what they agree with and what they disagree on. To understand what scholars and policymakers know about growth, we will have to learn how the economy works. This will require us to learn some metrics and some economic models and check how these have been applied in the actual world. Do they work? What does the data tell us? To know how it all functions, you will conduct an empirical exercise in which you will use actual, real-world data.